Saturday, December 27, 2008

On Christmas Eve the girls got a crack at their first gifts. Their first gifts were some classic children's stories DVDs. Then the moved on to the classic Christmas PJs gift.

After some more running around Mary set up a few nice shots of the girls and the tree. I thought they were great photos. Mary and I went to bed relatively early - we were both wiped out from a full evening that saw a couple of our favorite families over for dinner.

Christmas Day was relaxing. The kids got up way too late and started in on their Santa Loot.

Anna's hair was in an exceptionally good mood that day. It was great to observe her reactions to the different stimulus that this great holiday provides. Her faces are priceless; I'm not sure where she gets it from. After a pot of coffee and breakfast I broke into the gifts under the tree.

The gifts were a hoot. Everyone really enjoyed them. Except for Audrey's Lego's. I guess she "liked" them, she just didn't like that they were Coast Guard themed.

We also got Abby a desk that wouldn't quite fit under the tree. That was about the only work I did all day. It was nice.

1 comment:

  1. I think your girls got the same children's DVDs that I got my mom! Go Costco. :)
